Suit sight eye-cup newer version rubber reproduction.
There are two versions in stock to choose from.
Flexible T.P.U. rubber suit sight eyepiece.
If you have a damaged, worn or missing suit sight rubber eyepiece this the the perfect replacement.
You may also choose the earlier type of eyepiece if required.
There is a selection of trilux suit sight parts available on the website including tritium replacements and L.E.D illuminators.
L.E.D type illuminators are available in four different colours. Red, Green, White and Orange.
Tritium replacements have a green isotope inside that will glow for approximately 9 years. They are not visible during daylight and are permanently switched on.
Also available is a AN-PVS-1/2 battery adapter which operates using four type AA batteries. You may use standard type batteries or re-chargeable batteries.
Along with the L1A1 SLR rifle the L2A2 suit sight has seen service in many of Britain’s past conflicts, Northern Ireland, The Falklands and throughout the cold war era.
From around 1954 onwards they have been inseparable and most of all they have both been very reliable.
They have both proven to be very popular with ex-servicemen over the years and decades.
They have seen service with all the commonwealth nations.